Maxwell Dean Maxwell Dean

The Current Cyber Landscape for the SME sector

MSMEs account for 90% of businesses, 60 to 70% of employment and 50% of GDP worldwide. In the UK they account for over 99% of the business sector. To put this into context, nearly 43% of cyber-attacks are targeted at SMEs, while the number of cyber-attacks soared by 15% during 2022.

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Maxwell Dean Maxwell Dean

The Risks of ChatGPT And Generative AI To Businesses

As AI technology and its potential benefits for businesses develop, so does the threat of malicious actors using artificial intelligence in ever more sophisticated attacks. Businesses need to be aware of these threats to protect their cyber security now and in a future AI driven world.

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Maxwell Dean Maxwell Dean

How To Put Your Cyber Action Plan into Practice

As part of its ongoing cyber awareness campaign, The NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre) have launched a Cyber Action Plan self-assessment tool to help small organisations identify cyber security vulnerabilities, and practice effective governance.

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Maxwell Dean Maxwell Dean

New PureCyber Talks Webinar Series

PureCyber is delighted to announce the first of our new PureCyberTalks Webinar series which will focus on Cyber Insurance Trends and Advice. PureCyber CEO Damon Rands be joined in conversation with Emma Francis, Risk Insurance Specialist at Thomas Carroll.

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Ellie Rands Ellie Rands

PureCyber Pledges to Strengthen Security of Welsh SMEs

Cyber security consultancy PureCyber has teamed up with FSB Wales, Swansea University and Thomas Carroll Group to run free roadshows to raise cyber awareness across Wales with the first events planned in Cardiff and Wrexham.

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Ellie Rands Ellie Rands

Log4j Update

Friday 10th December 2021 - a vulnerability was discovered in the popular Java extension Log4j.

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Ellie Rands Ellie Rands

URGENT UPDATE: RE Microsoft Exchange Servers

The USA’s Cyber Security and Infrastructure agency (CISA) have issued emergency guidance, as it appears that the recent vulnerabilities announced by Microsoft affecting their on-premise Exchange product have been compromised globally.

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Ellie Rands Ellie Rands

What is the dark web? - and what threats does it pose?

The Dark Web, it is a term which many have heard when discussing cyber-crime is quite misunderstood and underrated in its purpose and the threat it contains. This blog post is here to try and clarify all the information about the dark web which can affect you and your business.

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