New PureCyber Talks Webinar Series

PureCyber is delighted to announce the first of our new PureCyberTalks Webinar series which will focus on Cyber Insurance Trends and Advice. PureCyber CEO Damon Rands be joined in conversation with Emma Francis, Risk Insurance Specialist at Thomas Carroll.

With the global increased risk of cyber-attack, businesses of all sizes and sectors are at potential risk. Implementing appropriate layers of security to improve your resilience should be on the agenda for all businesses. Whilst insurance shouldn’t be the only tactic you deploy to protect your business, it should be a crucial part of your cyber armoury.

Policy costs for cyber insurance have risen over recent times with some companies struggling to keep up or if the appropriate controls aren’t in place, finding they are not insurable at all.

Join us to find out more about current trends in Cyber Insurance, advice on best practice and learn how strengthening your cyber defences can help to improve your position when looking for insurance or making a claim.

The webinar will take place from 13.30 – 14.30 on Tuesday 7 Feb.


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