Cyber Security Resources

PureCyber have teamed up with the ACCA to offer resources, discounts and offers on cyber security services for ACCA members.


What is Cyber Security, and why is it important?

Cyber security is a process that organisations go through to limit the impact and harm that a potential attack might cause them. It is a combination of both technical controls and well-maintained procedures that help to protect a business' most valuable assets.

In the UK, 37% of companies have reported a data breach incident to the ICO in the past 12 months. By having a proactive and effective cyber security strategy in place, an organisation is decreasing the impact a potential attack would have on a business and limiting the damage it could cause in both the short and long term.

With the ever changing threat landscape, cyber security is something that should be high on all company agendas and be reviewed at a regular basis; organisations need to identify their cyber risks before they can attempt to reduce them.

Did you know…

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95% of cybersecurity breaches are caused by human error.

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94% of malware is delivered by email.

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The average time to identify a breach in 2022 was 207 days.

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Ransomware payments have nearly doubled to $1.5m (£1.2m) in 2022



Resources & Guides

ACCA Live Hack

Watch a cyber security live hack with PureCyber (formerly Wolfberry) CEO Damon Rands and pen testing expert, Tomas Evans - in partnership with the ACCA.




Keep up to date on the latest news in cyber security.

About PureCyber


PureCyber, formerly Wolfberry is an award-winning, disruptive Cyber Security consultancy, whose goal is to make cyber security accessible, understandable and affordable for any organisation.

Recently named “Most Innovative Cyber Security Company in the UK”, “Best International Cyber Security Consultancy Firm in the UK” and named as the highest placed cyber security organisation within the WalesTech50 awards, the team at PureCyber are specialists in the field and have a vast knowledge of the latest trends, technologies, and attack vectors. PureCyber’s aim is to provide support to organisations working across all sectors and protect their processes and data from all types of cyber security risks, both internal and external.