PureCyber: Your Unique Cyber Security Solution

In a rapidly evolving cyber security landscape, maintaining an effective overview of vulnerabilities and threats is an increasingly complex challenge for organisations to manage.  

PureCyber offers a fully integrated and complete cyber security solution tailored to your needs through our Foundation, Core, and Total packages.  

Why Using Multiple Solutions Leaves You Vulnerable  

Organisations often use multiple providers and tools to manage the security of their data, in an effort to create a more robust security posture. This approach can be counterproductive, however, as the higher the number of organisations involved in a company's cyber security, the more potential gaps there will be for attackers to exploit.  

This can leave companies more vulnerable to an increasing number of cyber threats, from common ransomware, malware and phishing, to sophisticated AI powered attacks. Such an approach can lead to conflicting cyber security strategies, duplicate alerts (and alert fatigue), increasing incident response times, a greater likelihood of a data breach and overstretched employees. Ultimately, all these issues can severely compromise an organisation's ability to mitigate threats. For example, providing seamless user access control to authorised employees while protecting data held in multiple databases can prove a challenge. Audits can also prove more challenging when gathering analyses from different software providers.  

A strong cyber security framework requires the correct tools; whether this is clear cyber policy’s, 24/7 monitoring, effective incident response plans and support, patch management and the right training for employees to equip them with the essential knowledge of current cyber threats.  

The Benefits of an Integrated Approach  

Our subscriptions are designed to integrate visibility, analysis, and control across an array of security layers and data sources while enhancing protection, scalability, and performance. The platform aims to simplify the integration, improving visibility, and automating workflows across endpoints, cloud, network, and applications. Therefore, a complete cybersecurity platform is designed to unify disparate security tools without compromising performance, protection, scalability, and innovation. 

Saving You Cost and Time 

Managing multiple solutions and hiring multiple software providers can not only be overwhelming for your IT team but may be costing you resources that could be spent on other part of your business. With a PureCyber subscription, we can help to consolidate your cyber security software and better manage your resources for greater ROI.   

Increased Visibility & Faster Threat Response  

Our tailored and business focused solution provides a holistic overview of all your network assets (whether these are your devices, databases, or other user endpoints). With a PureCyber subscription our 24/7 Security Operations Centre can respond to threats quickly and effectively without the need for you to monitor multiple cyber security tools.   

Enhanced Scalability and Flexibility 

A holistic approach allows organisations to cost effectively scale their cyber security resources and strategy depending on the growth of the company and number of employees. This allows you to manage and monitor user access more easily than implementing user access across individual tools and accounts, while maintaining visibility and speeding up responsiveness in the event of an attack. This approach also makes it easier to implement critical patches and updates to your systems and avoid gaps in your cyber security posture.  

What Makes PureCyber Unique? 

Unlike other cyber security providers, PureCyber’s range of subscription services offer a fully integrated and complete cyber security solution for all your needs. Our subscriptions are tailored to the size and complexity of your business.  

Explore our full range of integrated cyber security solutions by visiting our subscriptions page or get in touch to speak to our cyber experts by clicking the contact button below. 


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