The Benefits of SOC To Your Business and How PureCyber Can Help

What is a SOC?

A SOC (Security Operations Centre) provides businesses with 24/7 monitoring and response capabilities across their whole IT infrastructure (including networks and devices), allowing them to detect threats in real time and respond quickly, limiting the damage to an organisation in the event of a security incident.

Attaining a SOC helps your business be better prepared for the challenges of today’s rapidly evolving cyber landscape.

How Can an Outsourced SOC Can Benefit your Cyber Security?

Even with the best cyber security framework, it is not possible to prevent every cyber-attack. According to the NCSC’s Cyber Security breaches Survey 2023, 32% of UK businesses experienced some form of cyber-attack in the 12 months prior to April 2023. This is why detecting a breach as early as possible is critical.

Here are some of the benefits that an outsourced SOC can bring.

Early Threat Detection and Continuous Monitoring

SOC teams use advanced tools and technologies to monitor networks, systems, and applications in real-time. Early detection of security incidents allows for a quicker response to mitigate potential damage, both financial and reputationally. Cyber criminals rarely take a break and often target businesses after normal working hours or the weekends to maximise their chance of success.

Enhanced Threat Intelligence & Rapid Incident Response

A SOC can help streamline incident response and reduce what would otherwise be manual tasks, while produce deeper insights to inform future responses. A SOC can also integrate the most up to date threat intelligence, ensuring your cyber security strategy is informed by the latest cyber threats and trends.

Enhanced Analysis and Mitigation

SOC teams can create proactive policies to prevent future attacks. Proactive strategies include monitoring and responding to events in real time, regularly scanning for vulnerabilities, and identifying any potential weaknesses in your attack surface that can be exploited. 

Cost Savings

An outsourced SOC can reduce the need for hardware investment or additional internal personnel and prove significantly more cost efficient than an internal cyber security team. Early detection and mitigation can significantly reduce the financial damage and cost of a cyber breach and damaging downtime, allowing a business to focus and maximise their resources towards their business goals.

Compliance Management

Businesses are required to follow certain regulatory requirements. A SOC can detect potential violations in standards before any are exploited by malicious actors and become a serious and costly issue.

Improved Reputation

A SOC can position your business as one that takes it cyber security seriously, increasing customer and partner trust and strengthening business relationships. Your employees will have greater assurance that they can continue their day-to-day tasks with the knowledge that a dedicated cyber security team is there to help them. 

Continuous Improvement

A key role for a SOC team is to regularly analyse their own processes and tools to identify areas for improvement. Continuous improvement ensures that the SOC remains effective in addressing evolving cybersecurity threats.

For more information on the benefits of an outsourced 24/7 SOC read our recent blog on this topic here.

Why Choose PureCyber as your SOC Provider?

Networks are no longer restricted to a single geographical location and are increasingly vulnerable to threats such as phishing and internet-based attacks.

According to IBM’s March 2023 Global Security Operations Study, 20% of surveyed SOC professionals stated that poor collaboration with teams outside of the Soc team slowed down overall threat response, while a further 19% of professionals pointed to a lack of strong integration workflows between security tools.

Our fully integrated 24/7 Security Operation Centre offers global visibility for your entire network and devices.

For more information or to talk to one of our cyber experts get in touch by clicking the button below.


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